Language Access Complaint Process

The Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) is committed to ensuring that all persons accessing CSD services are provided services in an appropriate and timely manner. The Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act (California Government Code sections 7290-7299.8) requires government agencies to provide effective communication to all people utilizing public services. If you feel CSD was unable to serve you because of a language barrier (limited-English proficiency) or other communication differences, CSD may be able to provide additional communication assistance that will assist you with information or services you requested.

Please take the following steps to report your language access complaint:

Complete the Language Access Complaint Form (CSD 375) and either email the completed form to or mail a hardcopy of the completed form to CSD's Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer at the following address:

Department of Community Services and Development, Attn: EEO Officer
2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite #100
Sacramento, CA 95833

​Members of the public or recipients of services can also direct complaints regarding language access to the CSD Call Center at (866) 675-6623.

​After your complaint is received, the EEO Officer is responsible for investigating and resolving the issue within 5 business days.  The EEO Officer will notify the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) that a complaint has been received and will inform CalHR of the language access complaint resolution.  ​​

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