Contact Us

CSD Contact Information

​Department Address/Phone

​2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95833

Call Center / Toll Free: (866) 675-6623

Main Phone: (916) 576-7109
TDD: (916) 263-1402
Legislative & Media Affairs: (916) 576-0950
Fax: (916) 263-1406

Customer Service for CSD Programs
​For questions about CSD assistance programs like the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP), please contact our Call Center toll ​free at (866) 675-6623​.
​Request Public Records

Please refer to the Department’s Public ​Records Act Request policy for information on how to submit a request.

​​Report Language Barriers

​If you feel CSD was unable to serve you because of a language barrier (limited English proficiency) or other communication differences, CSD may be able to provide additional communication assistance that will assist you with this information or services you have requested.​

Learn more about the Language Access Complaint Process​

​​Small Business/DVB​E Advocate
Dan Agpoon, Small ​Bu​s​iness/DVBE Advocate
Phone: (916) 826-6009

E-mail: Dan.Agpoon@CSD.CA.GOV​

Please contact CSD's Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise​ (DVBE) Advocate to inquire about doing business with our Department.​

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