CSD Public Records

​​Public Records Act Guidelines: Helping the Public Access Pu​​blic Information

The Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) may only be able to respond to your public records request if it is about CSD or its prog​rams​

If we do not have any documents to share, your request may be closed within ten calendar days of its submission. CSD usually has no criminal records, court records, or records regarding programs run by other state agencies or departments to share with the public. You are welcome to submit a request to CSD but know that the department does not have access to all public records. ​

Right to Access: Legal Authority

The California Public Records Act provides for a right of access to public records and other information. The Public Records Act makes all non-exempt CSD records – including the remainder of records after exempt portions are redacted – in any form or medium – subject to public inspection during CSD's regular office hours or other reasonable timeframe. Hard copies of those records are available after payment of fees covering duplication costs. (Government Code section 6250 et seq.)

The Public Records Act does not provide for creation or preparation of a record or document that does not exist at the time of the request. Additionally, certain categories of personal information and records are exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act . Other laws also protect individual privacy interests and other propriety information from disclosure, including but not limited to the Information Practices Act (Civil Code section 1798 et seq.), the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Public Law 104-191 as amended), and the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (Civil Code section 3426 et seq.).​

​How to Make a Public Records Act Request for CSD Records

CSD Public Records Act requests can be verbal or in writing.

Verbal Requests:

Individuals may make verbal requests by telephone between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays by calling (916) 576-7109.

Written Requests:

Written requests may be sent via email to webinfo@​csd.ca.gov, or via U.S.​ mail or other courier, to the following mailing address:

California ​Department of Community Services and Development
2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95833

Requests must be reasonable: 

Requests must describe existing, reasonably identifiable records that are relevant to the business of CSD. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Contracts
  • Letters
  • Email Negotiations
  • Service Agreements
  • Memoranda

Requests do not need to be formal or technically accurate. 

Requests need not cite the Public Records Act statute or other legal provisions. Requests for documents will not be rejected due to technicalities. 

Requestor's Privacy Rights:

State law permits the requestor to keep his or her identification, contact information, and any organizational affiliation private. CSD will ask the requestor to provide this information as a courtesy, however, to facilitate communication with the requestor in response to the request. 

The Public Records Act Officer will assist the requestor to make a focused and effective request.

Example: The requestor states, “I'd like information about the amount of money CSD is giving out in grants this year."

The Public Records Act Officer would then work with the requestor to clarify which type of grants, and whether the requestor seeks a grand total or by grantee. The goal is to provide the requestor with information that is as relevant to his or her specific needs as possible.​

​How CSD Will Complete Requests for Public Records

Determination of Duplication Costs:

Records that can reasonably be provided in electronic format are provided to the requestor free of charge. Alternatively, a requestor may either view the relevant documents in CSD's office or may request hard copies after payment of fees covering duplication costs. If the requestor has asked for copies, the Public Records Act Officer will calculate such costs within the limits of the Public Records Act and notify the requestor of the amount. For standard-sized documents, CSD will charge ten cents per black-and-white page. CSD will provide a quote for color and oversized documents. CSD will begin preparing the materials upon receipt of payment.

All requests will be handled in a timely manner.

The Public Records Act requires public agencies to initially respond to a request for records within ten calendar days  (this time limit may be extended by 14 days in certain circumstances). CSD will inform the requestor of the status of the request within ten days, and further inform the requestor of an estimated timeframe for completion.

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