Community Services Block Grant

CSBG Program, community services, charity, volunteers, elderly, disabled

​The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is funded under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Fam​​ilies. CSBG is designed to provide a range of services to assist low-income families and individuals attain the skills, knowledge, and motivation necessary to achieve self-sufficiency. CSBG funds services and activities that have a measurable impact on the causes and conditions of poverty in local communities across the state. 

​What is CSBG and what services are available?

CSBG is a federally funded investment that aims to reduce poverty in the United States. CSBG is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services. CSD is designated by the Governor as the state agency responsible for administering the CSBG program in California. There are currently 60 private nonprofit and local government organizations across California (referred to as eligible entities) receiving CSBG funds. This network of eligible entities continues to administer programs that assist low-income individuals and families with attaining the skills, knowledge, and motivation necessary to achieve self-sufficiency.

The services offered through CSBG vary by county. Some examples of the services offered include the following:

  • Child/Youth Services
  • Education Services
  • Emergency Services
  • Employment Services
  • Food/Nutrition Services
  • Health Services
  • Homeless Services
  • Housing Services
  • Income Management Services
  • Senior Services
  • Transportation Services
  • Plus, Other Services

CSBG eligible entities have established partnerships and collaborate with local community organizations, service providers and public and private agencies to assure the effective delivery of services to the low-income population. CSBG eligible entities improve local services by linking low-income Californians to available resources through direct services, and by establishing formal and informal agreements through contractual relationships with subcontractors and referrals to community partners.

CSBG eligible entities apply and evaluate community assessment data to identify gaps in services and opportunities. They then develop strategies to resolve the identified gaps and enhance current programs. As such, the practice of cross-referring clients is common, as staff participates on local area commissions and share information about respective services and gaps in services.

​​Federal Funding Status

California continues to receive federal funding for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). Under the current federal budget, California has received $33,847,608 in CSBG funding for 2025, equal to about 50 percent of what was provided to California in 2024 under the annual federal CSBG appropriation.

CSBG funding is limited. Local CSBG agencies provide a variety of services and activities for low-income Californians based on the specific needs of their communities.

To learn more about the services and activities provided in your area, please contact your local CSBG agency by visiting Find Services In Your Area​ and selecting the Community Services Provider in your City or County.

Updated as of March 6, 2025​

​Income Eligibility

Eligibility for services may vary depending on sources of income and other factors. Please contact your local community services agency to determine your eligibility.

View CSBG Income Eligibility Guidelines

​CSBG Highlights

Prado BuildingRibbon cutting with people gathered around

​40 Prado Homeless Services Center

The 40 Prado Homeless Services Center opened its doors in San Luis Obispo County on September 17, 2018, to provide a cost-effective and central location for homeless families and individuals as they embark on the path to self-sufficiency. In partnership with the compassionate community of San Luis Obispo County, the Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County, Inc. (CAPSLO) spearheaded planning and construction to bring 40 Prado to life.

40 Prado is a 24-hour, year-round facility that provides personal care and shelter for 100 clients, including an average of ten children a night, and serves 84,000 meals per year. As part of the County’s Continuum of Care, CAPSLO and 40 Prado effectively assist the homeless by providing customized services that include: counseling, case management, on-site primary healthcare, veterans’ services, and much more. Built to improve the health and stability of its participants, 40 Prado aims to provide families and individuals with a means to an end.

To meet the needs of homeless individuals who come to 40 Prado with mental health issues, CAPSLO has begun collaborating with Transitions Mental Health Association (TMHA) on a program that provides mobile mental health services for clients classified as “Moderate to Severe.” TMHA’s Homeless Outreach Team works with 40 Prado staff to reach the most challenging of clients, utilizing mobile tele-psychiatry services to identify those who suffer from dual diagnoses, such as mental health illnesses in conjunction with substance abuse disorders, and prescribe necessary medications.

Since December 2018, 12 children and one pregnant mom have been served through the Early Head Start Program located at 40 Prado, and two children and their families have been provided regular opportunities to promote positive parent-child relationships and high-quality early ​learning experiences while staying at the center, through the Head Start Home Base Program. Out of this program, two families have been placed in housing to date.​

​North State Food Bank and Disaster Response Efforts

"The spirit of Community Action can be that needed inspiration when tragedy strikes and when it seems that no end is in sight.”  -Tom Tenorio, CEO of the Community Action Agency of Butte County.

On November 8, 2018 the Camp Fire became the most destructive wildfire in California state history, and the deadliest disaster in the United States within the last 100 years. Approximately 93% of the town of Paradise and much of the surrounding community was destroyed. Worst of all, 85 residents tragically lost their lives to the fire. Many Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc. (CAA) staff members lost their homes, and yet they still report to work every day to help uplift the entire community.

Within hours of the fire, CAA in partnership with CSD jumped into action. Approved use of CSBG discretionary funding and emergency energy crisis intervention funds enabled the CAA to serve survivors of the fire with shelter, gift-cards to pay for critical expenses, and direct payment to lodging vendors for displaced families. CAA's North State Food Bank (NSFB) also immediately began providing nutritious food and supplies to evacuation centers and impromptu shelters that popped up due to the sheer magnitude of people fleeing the fire. After soliciting new and regular food donors for additional donations, an outpouring of support came quickly, and a new partnership was established with the Grassroots Alliance, a private non-profit experienced in providing support to communities met by disaster. This partnership brought generous corporate donations to help support the growing need for assistance. Two weeks after the fire, the food bank established a weekly Tailgate food giveaway, targeting locals affected by the fire. Within the first several months after the disaster, over 700,000 pounds of food were delivered to those in need.

CSBG funding uniquely equips CAA's to provide services tailored to the needs of our communities. The CAA of Butte County now focuses on support and assistance through comprehensive case management to help people to develop and execute a plan for the road ahead. With help from the local CAA team, the supportive staff at CSD, and an outpouring of community support, Butte County and the city of Paradise continue to witness the true commitment of people living the Promise of Community Action.


Sign in shelter stating to sanitize hands before enteringoverhead view of Butte fire aftermath

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