Low Income Household Water Assistance Program

Illustrations of sink, washing machine, hose, bathtub, and toilet

The federal program deadline to apply for water and sewer bill assistance under the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) has passed, and the program is no longer accepting applications. ​

LIHWAP was a limited-term, federally funded program that offered assistance to help low-income households pay residential water and sewer bills and manage their residential water utility costs. LIHWAP was established by Congress in December 2020, and the program sunset ​on March 31, 2024.

The Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) is the designated administering agency for LIHWAP in Ca​​lifornia.

In May 2024, CSD distributed remaining LIHWAP water assistance funds to provide a “supplemental benefit” to eligible, previously-served LIHWAP beneficiaries. For more information about the supplemental benefit visit:

LIHWAP Supplemental Benefit - Frequently Asked Questions​

Water System Direct P​ayment En​​​​rollment​​​

In order for a household to receive a LIHWAP ​benefit their water or sewer utility system must be enrolled in a LIHWAP direct payment agreement. ​

LIHWAP Direct Payment Interest Form​​​

How can LIHWAP help water and wastewater systems? 

The following video produced U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides information for water and wastewater systems about LIHWAP to build awareness and encourage participation. 



Water or wastewater systems seeking additional information on LIHWAP can review the Water and Wastewater System E​nrollment Webinar.​​



CSD​ held a remote Public Meeting on November 29, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. to provide an overview of the Revised LI​HWAP Program Guidelines.

CSD held a remote public meeting on July 29, 2021, to receive input on the California LIHWAP State Plan. 

For assistance or questions regarding this meeting, please email ​LIHWAP@csd.ca.gov​.​​

Sign up for LIHWAP email ​updates​​​​​

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